How to even start to describe a Tim Tam? I guess they're basically a cream biscuit covered in chocolate. The biscuits themselves are a light chocolate and the cream filling is a buttery chocolate combination. The whole thing is covered in plain chocolate.
I turned to the Arnott's website for a better description:
Tim Tam biscuits first hit supermarket shelves in 1964. They were named after a horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 1958. A member of the Arnott family, Ross Arnott, attended the race day and decided ‘Tim Tam’ was the perfect name for his new biscuit. The chocolate used to make Tim Tam biscuits has been specially developed by Arnott’s to give a slightly caramel taste. The cream flavour is a delicate mixture of vanilla, butter and chocolate that complements the biscuit base and the chocolate. It’s this unique cream which sets Tim Tam apart from any other chocolate biscuit.
There are [currently] 8 delicious varieties of Tim Tam biscuits:
Tim Tam Original, Tim Tam Chewy Caramel, Tim Tam Double Coat, Tim Tam Dark, Tim Tam Love Potions Double Chocolate and Raspberry, Tim Tam Love Potions Chocolate Mud, Tim Tam Love Potions Sticky Vanilla Toffee, Tim Tam Latte.

Over the years, the standard Tim Tam range has expanded from the Original (and best, I believe) to include Chewy Caramel, Classic Dark and Double Coat. Then there's the special release flavours - currently the love potions range. There was a period where you get Tia Maria or Kahlua flavoured Tim Tams, and a while back they did Chilli flavoured ones...

For me the ultimate indulgence is the "Tim Tam Slam". You bite off both ends, dip one end into a cup of coffee and suck through the other end. The coffee flowing through the biscuit dissolves everything into a sticky gooey mess which you have to quickly shove in your mouth to avoid wasting. It's fantastic. Here's a video of Natalie Imbruglia showing Graham Norton how to do a slam, also known as the Tim Tam Explosion.
But then there is an area I have yet to explore...

mate, you're becoming as prolific as knudsen. every time i check my reader there are three new posts from you!
good stuff - i think the chewy caramel is my fave. i didn't know about the slam, either. off to the supermarket now to stock up.
I'll take the chili flavour, please.
I make great home-made chocolate chili ice cream, perhaps I can crumble these up on top. Mmmm …
Do they do Vegemite filled ones?
LOL - cool I was wondering how i was going to scan a packet of tim tams at the public library. yay for Vic.
GG: It was all a bit of advance posting. I knew I'd be pretty stuffed the last two days. Have you done the slam yet?
Dive: You can have the chili - I'm a spice weenie. They don't make them anymore though. And no on the Vegemite filling.
Kate: Great minds, mate. I bought a pack of double coat in the name of journalism, so that I could scan the packet. But then I realised I could just borrow the pics from Arnott's and eat the biscuits anyway.
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