There is a niche for everything. It's all too appropriate to stumble across this concept when I've been talking/writing a lot about music and have been completely lacking in the love department. What is it? Madame xPod appears to be where women love their music. I gotta get me one of those.

Now now …
Steady on or we'll have Old Knudsen over hhere.
Can he handle it?
Well now. You made Dive make a typo.
Madame X has some damn fine pics. I to have gotta get one of those.
Hey, Vic.
How'd the gig go?
If only my life could be naked and sepia toned, with good music...
Dive, the gig was... good in some ways.
The guitarist, singer and I have worked together for ages. We're good friends. Sometimes we play well, sometimes we just don't have a good night. But the drummer just doesn't fit. It's been getting worse and less tolerable over time and we haven't been chasing gigs because of this.
His tempo was all over the shop - guitar, singer and I were fighting to keep time. And either he doesn't know this (which is likely) or he just doesn't have the courtesy to pipe up and say "Sorry guys, I'm having a shocker" which I've been known to do. The admission doesn't fix things but at least everyone else knows that you are aware of it.
It was breaking point. Polite withdrawal from the guitarist was the plan, since this drummer is also a very posessive drummer who gave us months of sulky arrogant behaviour after we did a gig with a previous drummer (who was more fun to play with but moved on). There really aren't any other drummers in town that will slot into the unit that we have, so it's over - apart from the gig that is already booked. We'll do that and bust it up.
So how was the gig? I played well. I danced, I got out of my shell enough to be up on speakers dancing and jumping and loving playing disco. It was great, apart from the drumming. And now it's over.
Damn, girl! It's never over.
And we've got drummers up the ass over here; it's good bass players that are scarcer than rocking-horse shit.
Why is the world crap that way?
It's a pity our weather is as shitty as our gay scene, otherwise I'd invite you over right now.
and bands come and go (not counting sessions beyond number and support tours, I've played in over thirty). You're a musician all your life. That's not something you do; it's something you ARE.
And I'd have loved to see you up on the speakers!
Thanks for the words, dive. I know there'll be other bands, there's already talk of other projects (garage surf band, scofield-esque funk/jazz band with trombone etc..) and it'll be good to have a break - some of the songs you've just played so often it's like a warm bed. Comfy on a good night, easy to fall asleep in on a boring night, but so much more appreciated when you've not been there for a while.
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