Pirate night. The bastards held a sword to my throat and made me drink!

Hawaiian theme day, in which I look like a midget but really... Oh crap. I guess I'm pretty short. Our Musical Director knocked out an arrangement of Hawaii Five-O for the occasion. Yes, it's a terrible shot, but it's Vic in a bikini.

And Punk night. Gayman was twisting my hair, already laden with gel, while spraying hair spray onto it and Trumpet chick fired a hair dryer at me. I woke up in a strange house on the other side of town the next day, after copious amounts of drinking (who ever thinks that red wine at the end of the night is a goo idea? But we'd run out of everything else...). I sat up in bed and felt my hair - it had not budged at all from the night before. In fact, it stayed that way for half the day.
There we go. Upcoming highlights of dress-ups may include Mafia night, Seventies night, Moulin Rouge night and the final night... Technicolor. God knows what I'll do for that. I'm thinking body paint.
Technicolour huh?
Hmmm the mind boggles at what Gayman will come up with for that.
Gayman is at least proving himself to be a brilliant photographer. We did art shots of fishnets tonight...
Ok the mouth is open, let me just go get a bucket out water to drink out of.
You seem to be doing a lot of that lately... You alright there?
What's ahppened to your phone, by the way?
OK, you and your friends have entirely too much fun. I need more costumes in my life.
Art shots of fishnets...will you be sharing? (The pictures, I mean. You can keep the fishnets--you know how I feel about pantyhose.)
Oh, and I left a note with a video link on your Pink - Fingers post.
Sassy, it's so much fun, especially since there's a bunch of us involved - saftey in numbers, we can all look like idiots at once!
Terroni: Probably to the fishnet shots - the way that they stretch across the skin into ligth and dark is really cool.
And the fingers clip you left - I actually went to the concert....
Theres a problem with my phone? please explain?
Apart from the fact that when we were texting the other night a six month old message came through from voldemort????
Really? Wow. That must have been something.
And thanks for stopping by.
It's funny...when you call me mate, I don't feel the need to retain legal counsel :>
I think mafia night would be very interesting.....
What fun you have! I adore how easy going you and your friends are.
I love you as a pirate...well I confess I have a soft spot for pirates, I go all oogy for Capt Jack Sparrow, even if he IS a man.
I am waiting with breathless anticipation for Moulin Rouge night...
Maria: I agree - mafia's going to be fun.
Nina: I'm having an absolute ball, and I think I'm a little excited about Moulin Rouge night as well.
Dammit! I'm away for one day and miss all the action.
Like Kate I have my jaw on the floor.
You look seriously good, Groover.
Love the sideburns, by the way!
Dive if you're talking about the pirate pic, open your myopic old man eyes because it's not a sideburn but stitches the makeup lady painted on. Looked fantastic smeared all over my face the next day after I forgot it was there and went to bed.
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