I'm not happy with my profile. How the hell do I describe myself? To me I'm just Vic. Finding words for that seems a little too hard. But it gets me thinking... How do other people percieve me?
The challenge, for those who may be interested - write a profile for me. You most likely haven't met me - hell, you might even be here for the first time. But I'm interested to know the impression I make.
Drop me an email, or leave it in the comments.
You know mine already, Vic:
"I am Vic.
I am the Groover.
I fucking rule!"
Who needs to know more?
What happened to that part about doing bodily harm to folks who call you Vicky? A good profile always contains at least one physical threat.
Wow...wish I could help, but I don't even have my own profile written. I like Dive's suggestion, though.
Dive - The I fucking rule bit would make me sound a little egotistic, and given my current mood about that, I'd leave it out.
Teresa - the arse-kicking threat, yes. I think I need to bring it back into play.
Terroni - maybe that's a good thing, also. Maybe I just don't need to describe myself at all.
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