Monday, October 1, 2007

The Seven Deadly Sins Meme

Whom did you last get angry with? The driver of the car in front of me who decided that the roundabout had to entirely free of cars and approaching cars, and cars that might possibly come in that direction in the next few minutes, before deciding it was safe to enter the roundabout for himself.

What is your weapon of choice? A quick tongue.

Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? Yes, and I have. I have the worst fiery temper loss when I am picked on for no reason and pushed in an unreasonable manner. It takes a lot, but when I lose control I can hurt. I might write about that incident one day. Also, when it comes to self-defence I certainly would hit back.

How about the same sex? If it was for self-defence, yes.

Who was the last person who got really angry at you? I try not to piss people off. Truly.

What is your pet peeve? Idiots who can't tell when I don't like them.

Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? I guess I do hold grudges. There are certain people that I avoid associating with because of things they have done to me. That's me holding a grudge and acting on it.

What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't? Exercise. In order to have more energy, I should exercise. But usually I'm tired and I don't have the time or energy. Catch 22.

What is the latest you've ever woken up? Definately after noon. But then I go back for more.

Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? Most of my friends from highschool.

What is the last lame excuse that you made? I was too busy ...[moulding the shape of my arse into the lounge]...

Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? Yes. It's sad when you have favourites.

How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? None, but my standard is six times.

What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Imported beers.

Are you a meat eater? Yes, but I'd rather not eat it full time. A couple of meals a week and the rest as vegetarian. This is my ideal, and much easier stuck to when I was living alone and not having to fit in with the meals of others.

What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting? Most of a carton of beer in one go.

Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? I'm fine with my drinking, but I eat far too much.

Do you enjoy candy and sweets? Not often. I prefer a really good apple.

Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? Salty foods. I'm a spice weenie (I love it but hate the burning lips feeling), and I can't handle too many sweets either.

Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? No. I've thought "die" before. Does that count?

How many credit cards do you own? None.

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a home, and travel.

Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich. I can quite happily sit in the background, spending my money and not have anybody know who I am.

Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? Yes, but not for a long term. I'd take the megabucks for a year or so, set myself up and then can the job.

What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? Hmmm. Realising that my ex is a life-sucking bitch and that I am better off cutting off all contact with her.

What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? About this I have no idea. I don't know what makes them tick. At the moment I don't know why they still bother harassing me to find out what I'm up to. I'm not motivated at all by what may make them proud, anyway.

What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? Dying gracefully.

Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Yes.

Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? No.

Have you ever cheated to get a better score? I went through months of Friday night canasta games with my parents. I lost consistently and could not stand my father's gloating. So at the end of each hand I used to add a little to my score, in an attempt to hide how much I was actually getting thrashed by. It didn't work. Eventually I changed my game to a completely different style and went on an equally long winning streak. I didn't gloat.

What did you do today that you're proud of? Made it home alive.

How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? Honestly I don't know. I counted, ran out of fingers, had a recount and an "Oh yeah that's right - forgot about that one" moment before I gave up.

How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? Hmm. Same answer.

Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? Hell yes. Oops.

What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? Hair. Running my fingers through her hair.

Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? Yes. Including my first time.

Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? No. Until recently it was on my to-do list.

What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? I don't like to covet the possessions of others.

Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? I'll skip this question on the basis of ignorance.

If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? Vic, she's a groover.

Have you ever been cheated on? No. Not that I know of, anyway.

Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? Of course. I have a different image of myself mentally and often catch a reflection of myself and think - "Shit. That's right. You're shorter and stockier. Damn."

What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? Hmm. Another toughie. I'm just me, and I don't think I can take cues from others for that.

What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often? Regrettably, Sloth.

Do you do the least often? Envy.

Is your favorite to act on? Lust. Definately.


dive said...

Dammit, Vic! I'd just prepared a meme for tomorrow's post and you come up with an absolute belter!
I'll be doing this one next!
Your answer to the small pet / child question will have me chuckling for days.

Anonymous said...

Its sad when you have favourite infomercials.
My favourite, Chef Tony and his miracle cutting blades.
Reasons to stay awake until 3am.

Vic said...

Dive - I was just starting to answer this one when you posted your last meme. Dammit is exactly what I thought, as well, so think of it as payback!

Kate - I was a magic bullet fan myself. Followed closely by the old Good Morning Australia with Moira stuffing it up all the time. Classic.

Terroni said...

This is fabulous...I'm adding it to my to-do list!