I wear white socks. Most of the time. White school socks. A major reason for this is that if you buy a heap at once you don't have to fold them after washing. I just shove them all in a drawer and when it comes to wearing them (which I refuse to do on weekends except when absolutely necessary) I pluck out two of hopefully the same vintage and elasticity. Even that is not of much importance if the colour matches. That's easy with white.

Periodically I go through them and evict the worst cases of wear and tear. The ones where your big toe has patiently tunneled it's way free - only to come up against the confines of the shoe. The ones where the heel is non-existent and the sock can quite happily exist in two states by half turning itself inside out through that hole. I buy new socks. I go through the old ones. And I throw them out. The thing is... they keep coming back. Like homing pigeons I seem to regather these remains of former socks. They even seem to force out the existing fully qualified socks from the safety of the drawer and take their place instead.
It wouldn't let me comment with the apprpriate picture so i wrote a whole response... there's serious behavioural science to be explored in regards to socks and other drawer dwelling garments.
I'm a sock snob. I only wear cashmere ones.....
Bing buys me one pair each year for my Christmas stocking and family members know that it is a good gift, so I have them in every color imaginable....
I wear socks instead of shoes so I have an abundance of scruffy socks. The only socks that bother me are hubbys work socks which multiply like gremlins until theres 250 different single socks in the washing at any given time. When i throw them out to ensure they don't come back i put them in the neighbours bin.
Nice response, Insatiable. There's definately more to be explored here...
Maria, cashmere socks would be gorgeous, but I go through so many from wading through grot from a potato peeling machine that I dno't have the heart to wear anything worth too much.
Kate - don't you just hate a huge load of socks when it comes to hanging them out. Or getting them back off the line when it looks like rain...
Cute toes, Groover.
Your socks sound spookily animated. Maybe you should source them elsewhere just to be sure.
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