Sunday, November 4, 2007

Suite: Return of the Angry Midget

What do I do here? I guess I have to introduce the main characters, give a little history. Give the reader some idea of why things are.
I met the Zedmeister last year. Went out with her for a while. In her I could see a gorgeous heart, a person who loved people and was down to earth. She was intelligent and not afraid to talk to anybody.
She also lived to excess and was an incredibly abusive drunk.
I woke up one morning after spending the night having this girl verbally tear me down (yet again), knowing that she would not remember it and I asked her to leave my house. Go home. That was it.

Over time she became a bit of a drinking buddy again. We could sit back, knock over a carton of beer between us and be all blokey and it was fine.

Then the Zedmeister met CruiseyDyke.
The story here gets a little hazy - I wasn't directly involved - but here's my take on it: The Zedmeister and CruiseyDyke got it on. CruiseyDyke was soon to be homeless as her girlfriend NoNeck the Scary decided that it was over, took everything and left town. Gayman and I were looking for another flatmate at the time, as we were moving and there was nothing cheap around for two. So we got Cruisey as a third.

They keep seeing each other for a while. The Zedmeister is a party animal of large proportions, and basically a slut. She cannot remain tied down for any period of time. We all know this but she seems to weave a spell that tells you she will be different. This is what happened to me. Zedmeister declared that she loved me. And stupid fucking idiot me believed it. This girl even knocked on CruiseyDyke's window one night - climbed through it - and came and slept with me.

Sure enough she was abusive again. She was loud, drinking with friends in the loungeroom. I had to work the following morning and they drank all night. I don't have too much of a problem with that, however the only voice I could hear all night was hers. So when I get up, pissed off that she has kept me awake all night rather than being considerate of the person she supposedly loves, this girl decides to tear me down over me being cranky. Slams my bedroom door in my face during the argument. Snap. No longer welcome in my presence. Not to be a guest in this house ever again.

It came to CruiseyDyke's birthday and we relaxed the No-Zedmeister ruling. Everybody else was invited to come to our house, and it would be unfair on Cruisey to deny the Zedmeister, who was still her friend.

Since then a whole bunch of sordidness has happened and the Zedmeister has crept back into Cruisey's life. I let this girl start coming around again because she and Cruisey had something going on. It turns out that not only are this pair sleeping with each other, they are each sleeping with any girl they can get their hands on. They are playing Stud Wars. My opinion of both plummets.

Well. Last weekend I go away. I have the most gorgeous brilliant time and come back completely exhausted... To find out that the remnants of some party has come back to our house and caused noise complaints to our real estate agency. That an ambulance had to be called because the girl that Cruisey intended to sleep with was vomiting uncontrollably. Our real estate serves us a final warning on eviction with regards to the noise and I know that most of that would have been the Zedmeister. She's loud and she doesn't give a shit.

Cruisey is now known as Rouge Flatmate, and I've barely spoken to her all week. When I unleash, it is bound to be cold and very angry.

Yes, this is the bit I intended to write about.

Rogue Flatmate brought the Zedmeister home at 6am this morning, after a night of partying. Tried to hide the fact by telling Zedmeister to go around the back. Nice try, guys. I've been sleeping like utter shit so I woke up the second you stepped on the gravel. By trying to hide it, the Rogue Flatmate shows me that she knows that she is doing the wrong thing.

I lie there thinking What the hell do I do? Rogue Flatmate lives here, too. Do I have a right to veto this person's presence? I thought about it for a while and came to a decision, knowing that Gayman also does not want Zedmeister to come to this house. That makes two against one.

I stuck my head out the back door and fixed a stare on this girl.

Go home.

So what do I get? Of course she's pissed. They've been up all night drinking and partying. Apparently I can't make her. I can't tell her to leave because she is in the company of the Rogue Flatmate (who incidentally does not say a word at all). We both throw drinks on each other, facing up. I am angry beyond belief and it pulses out of me in waves.

I go inside, waking Gayman up to check that he is solid on the Anti-Zedmeister ruling. Yes he is. I go back outside to let her know that tow against one she is voted off the property.

This girl proceeds to tear me down again. Some people just don't know when to quit. Here's some highlights.

You've turned into such an arse
You're just jealous because you can't have me
(I laughed)
Go ahead fucking punch me I'll smash you
You're too scared to hit me because you know I'll beat the shit out of you
(I think I snorted there)
You think you're so much better than us

Rogue Flatmate is inside during this exchange. I am standing there, every muscle tense and shaking. I would have killed this girl if I fought her. And she wanted that chance, but only if I threw the first punch. I am also mindful of the fact that it is early morning and we're probably going to get more noise complaints over this one. I say my piece. That she is not welcome because her behaviour on that day where she slammed my door in my face is not fitting for a guest in this house. That nobody treats me that way in my own space and gets away with it.

It falls on completely deaf ears of course. I tell her to leave. She throws it back that she's waiting for Rogue Flatmate. I tell her to wait outside of our property. She refuses. What can I do, really?

I have seven weeks left in this hell-hole.

By tomorrow afternoon there will be half a dozen different out of proportion stories floating around about me and this exchange. Nobody will know the truth or bother to ask me. Who cares? is my answer to that one. Zedmeister can have a feild day with it and everybody can go on missing the point, as they always do. It'll keep them happy until they find some other vicious gossip to speculate on. There is absolutely no point saying my piece to any of these people. It won't be heard, and it's a waste of time.

As for You think you're so much better than us?
Honey, I know it.

Final Note
I promise to return to inconsequential, non-depressive blogging shortly.


Anonymous said...

Me Wonderful Groover, ye did th'right thing an' ye had th'right t'be doin' it. A Marvelous Person like yerself Deserves th'Best that Life has t'offer. Hie ye off an' find it, Me Sweet.

That's an Order.

Given with Pirate Queen Love.

EspressoHead said...

By the power of the blog.. Ill believe you.

Ms. Avarice said...

I agree with you on all points - people who misbehave at the risk of someone else's eviction does not have the privilege of being on that property ever again. Also, any house mate who can't respect the reasonable preferences of people with whom they live simply should live alone. Stand your ground!

Terroni said...

Yikes, Vic. That all sounds incredibly stressful. I know that tense living situation feeling and it is frustrating and exhausting. Seven weeks, huh? Hang on, mate.

Anonymous said...

You know what babe, screw this shit.
Pack your bags, say your goodbyes and you know theres a spare room in my house, yours for the taking until you work out what you want to do.

dive said...

I'm with Kate.
Why suffer seven more weeks of shit on their account? You are worth so much more than that.
Don't look back. Just cut it all off and start afresh.
Believe me. I've done it. It worked for me (my blog persona may be a miserable old wanker but the real me is having a marvellous time).
Just do it, Vic. It's time to become what you know you can be.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vic,

I understand you've got to do what you got to do but not all of us here will be glad to see you go... 7 weeks is that in the house or in the town???

Vic said...

Me Cap'n - I be sailin' th'seas o'th'wide world in seven hopefully short weeks. Until then I be a time bomb trying not explode.

Espressohead - Thanks, mate. There's always two or more sides to a story. But that's mine, and I had to write it to put it into perspective and help myself to remember it clearly.

Ms. Avarice - This girl has no respect for the property or reputation of others. Thanks for your words, hun. I intend to stand my ground this time.

Terroni - Last time I was this affected by my situation in life I had the runs constantly and lost a heap of weight. I came out of it with a better figure (people I know now do not recognise me in old photos) and that is the only positive thing that may come of this.

Kate - My head and my heart are screaming screw this shit. If I walk away now, I will owe almost an entire term worth of prepaid lessons to a lot of students and I will be ditching all the commitments I have made until the end of the year. I will not allow myself to lose my integrity in that way.

Dive - Like I said to Kate, I can't leave yet, but I intend to once my commitments are fulfilled and my lease ends. Just Do It. I intend to.

Anonymous - Seven weeks is reference to both. Merry Christmas to Vic! I leave just before, probably with my stuff in storage and a swag, a suitcase and an esky in the car. And a guitar. That'll be my present to myself this year.