I will own one of these one day. Cliche? Like I give a shit.
And then I'm off on the journey that will take me over 200km of dirt roads in varying states of repair. Many were along steep cuttings with evidence (huge fricking chunks of it) of rock falls, nearly all were narrow and winding, and none had any guard rails. Oh, and the occasional log truck. And yep, I loved every damn minute of it.
Except for the bit where I was going straight for a rare stretch, humming along, up over a rise and fuck there's a bend. Fighting the car out of fishtails for a good hundred metres settled me down a bit!
The sign cracks me up. The road was actually better after this point:

The views were incredible, everywhere.

Holy Moly! That is a beautiful view, Vic.
Next time we'll be packin' th'swag in th'Piratical Jeep an' just ride o'er th'top o' th'brash bikers, Me Groover.
Dive, it was like that a lot of the way. The day started off cloudy and cleared to magnificent blue - it was amazing (and thank christ it didn't rain because the roads would have been impassable).
Greetings, me Cap'n! I can just imagine yerself an' yer plucky groover hightailing it in th'Piraltical Jeep with th'angry biker mob in hot pursuit.
Aye, Me Groover, until I tossed a few daggers out th'back t'spike th'road an' then we'd got for a beer or two!
Sounds like a plan, me Cap'n.
Then let it be done!
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