Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just a number

A Kaprekar number, is a number that if you square it, split the result into two sides and add them together you end up with the same number you started with.


99 x 99 = 9801
Split that up and we get 98, 01
98 + 01 = 99

And the cool thing is that it happens with any string of 9s. There are other numbers that come into it, too. I cannot figure out whether there is any significant benefit to this property - I don't think there is. It's just one of things that is. And it's named after someone. Just because it's a quirky phenomena, and the guy must have had a hell of a lot of time on his hands to figure it out.

And that's what you think about when you peel 60kg of carrots continuously.


dive said...

Oooh, I love stupid numbers.
I have to admit that I do crap like that on the train (as I've said before: after reading the paper and doing the crossword there's only so much you can do before you start furiously masturbating to relieve the boredom and I refuse to stoop to Sudoku).

Anonymous said...

Me, I'm not even smart enough to get the whole sudko thing.
My Rubix is a paperweight.

Sassy Sundry said...

That made my brain hurt.

Love the new banner.

Vic said...

Dive, I've wrestled myself away from a shameless Sudoku addiction that progressed to the next level. Kakuro. I would do book after book of those things just to escape.

Kate, I can't do Rubix either.
The reason I was thinking about numbers?

Sassy, thanks. I braved photoshop (a program I could fall in love with if I gave myself the time to experiment) to do it.