Was it covered in drool the first time, Dive? Like I said that is a stock photo - the one I answered your challenge with so long ago(the challenge pic you posted again for the Melee, that is).
The new beastie is the last in the series, just to tease you.
I'm an All-Purpose Groover. A laid-back guitarist, bassist and teacher. A percussionist. I'm an ecletic mix of interests that occasionally combine into a coherent thought process. Unless I have a hangover.
Now that is SWEET!
Thanks, Groover. Now my keyboard is covered in drool.
Pure porn. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Was it covered in drool the first time, Dive? Like I said that is a stock photo - the one I answered your challenge with so long ago(the challenge pic you posted again for the Melee, that is).
The new beastie is the last in the series, just to tease you.
And seriously, Kate has seen it. Jealous?
Insanely jealous and bright green with envy.
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