Sunday, September 30, 2007


It's sad when you know your point of total alcohol saturation. Where if you don't get yourself to bed you'll end up in a passed out state somewhere, or do some totally regrettable things and have no memory at all of them.

I know that point - and I get myself to bed with a big-ass glass of water next to me for the inevitable glue stick feeling in the morning.

Last night I reached that point, got myself safely to bed and got nicely snuggled into the position I - by the way things usually go - would be stuck in for the next six hours. But then it went wrong. I was attacked by a friendly party. It could have been a good situation, certainly not unwelcome... However in the movement that followed after this attack, I fell drunkenly out of bed.

It was that point that the illusion of safety of being in my own bedroom evaporated.
I impaled my head on a bedside drawer that was not shut properly. My room bit back at me. I have a small nugget behind my ear and very little dignity left.

Now I don't know if it's the hangover or the knock to the skull that is causing the pain today.


dive said...

Ow, Groover!
Poor you.
You have two choices: cut down on the boozing or buy padded furniture.
I think I'd go for the padded furniture.

Anonymous said...

Then I hope it wasn't Fi who snuck into your bedroom. Perhaps you can replay the fun on a night when your sober.

Sassy Sundry said...

Oh, honey. Feel better.

I hate, hate, hate that feeling. You have my sympathy.

Vic said...

Dive, maybe not so drunk in the future is a good idea.

Kate, if Fi (aka Fenono, Fi-Banger or Fatass Fi) had attacked me it certainly wouldn't have been a good situation. I think I might have suffered more damage than clobbering my head on a drawer.
As for trying it again sober... Not a chance. It was one of those things that only happens drunk - when the "not a good idea" receptors seem to be magically dimmed.

Sassy thanks for your sympathy. It's my own fault, that's what bugs me the most. You lie around all day feeling like crap and you have nobody to blame but yourself.