It appears that you are extremely interested in the latest Old Dead Guy series being brought to life by the fantastically gorgeous and talented Kate Isis.
Well, I have a secret.
Thunderbolt is supposedly buried in a town near mine. This whole area is wrapped in history with his name. Anyway, this town that is a short drive away from my own sports a monument to the local bushranger proudly, and in typical local council style, next to a storm drain.
I got a phone call yesterday telling me that it was a local football (none of this soccer crap - real footy here) grand final in Thunderbolt town. Nothing special? Well it seems the Old Guy got dressed for the occasion...

Just thought you might be interested.
With much love and hugs,
well of course thunderbolt is a league supporter, none of that sisssy soccer for him.
love it.
Thunderbolt, Australian rules football (decidedly non-wuss)and a full sized bushranger in footy drag!
Vic, once again I am forced to genefluct unworthily in your general direction.
Dive, let's clear the footy thing up.
I'm from New South Wales, meaning that my football game of choice is Rugby League. Three times a year NSW will play Queensland in the State of Origin series and these are times of fierce state pride and competition.
As for Aussie Rules... this is more of a Victorian game that has spread north, but we still call it aerial ping-pong, and look upon it with some distaste.
So Thunderbolt is wearing a Uralla Tigers Rugby League jersey - you can read a pre-game article here if you really want, but I'll give you the best quote from it:
"Also refreshing is that the Uralla team is not called the 'Thunderbolts' when almost everything else in town preys on the memory of the scrawny thief who was justifiably shot dead by a gallant trooper in 1870"
I've so got something to say about the words "gallant trooper". But it can wait till novemeber when he dies.
Just quoting the article, Kate!
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