Saturday, September 29, 2007

A week of food and beer

A week from now, it will be my birthday. I will be celebrating twenty-seven years of mediocrity, of non-achievement and laziness. I will most probably spend some time on the official day thinking "Well, Vic. What the fuck have you done with your life, really?.". To which I will answer myself with "You know how to have a good time, you need nothing else. The rest is just faffery anyway. Shut up and have another drink.".

What I try to do on a birthday is at least one thing that I love. Just one is the minimum. Hopefully I can get around to a few. Take last year - it was the first birthday I had ever celebrated alone, no relationship, no family surrounding me. But I was determined not to let it get me down. The thing I did for myself? Conned my workmates at the wholesalers into playing frisbee on the road outside after work. I spent all day looking forward to it and fuck it was brilliant. I had a bucketload of fun.

This year I'll be doing a few things I love. Travelling - I'll be in Sydney. Hopefully I will get some time on the beach with my freinds and my sister doing something else I love - playing frisbee. Of course there will be plenty of drinking and hopefully somehere along the way we will shoot some pool and catch some live music that we can groove to. Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

But why stop at just one day? This week is now Vic's Week of Indulgence. I've set myself a challenge to appreciate a different beer every night of the week (ciders are accepted, also) and to actually attempt a different recipe each day out of the stack of cookbooks I've gathered and rarely use. Boring? Deal with it.


Terroni said...

Not boring--fabulous!
Have a kick ass week, Vic.

27 cheers,

Anonymous said...

Why stop at a week? I like the sound of Victober.

dive said...

"Victober"! Love it!

"We are put on this earth to dick around.
Don't let anyone tell you any different."
The late, great Kurt Vonnegut.

"Knowing how to have a good time" is without a doubt the most important thing anyone can ever learn, Vic.

And twenty-seven? You've got at least another ten years of childhood to enjoy and you are The Groover. Jump in with both feet and enjoy it!

Katherine Buckley said...

Frisbee, beach and beer all coming your way! Can't wait to see and groove with you Groover!

Vic said...

Terroni, thanks a bunch. I plan to!

Teresa - hmmm. The resulting Viktoberfest might be a problem... I don't know if I can stay hung over that long.

Dive - In a way I plan on being a child for longer than that. You're only old when you embrace it! And shoot me if I ever stop grooving!

Mike and Kat - It'll be brilliant to see you both, I'm looking forward to it. Catch you soon!

Ms. Avarice said...

Victober! That's fabulous. You can have a month of celebration, starting off with the week-long "victoberfest". Happy Birthday!