They were handy when I moved house. I just lifted off the mattress and shoved a bunch of stuff in the crates. Bed = storage. It was great.
I've used them for band gear for years. They're the best lead storage solution, and often end up supporting a mixing desk as well.
I'm a short little tyke, so they're also handy for reaching hard to get places. Like my cupboard shelves. It's become a joke for the other housemates, and now my workmates, to offer me a milk crate if it even looks like I might not reach something. I once had to build a ladder out of them, pyramid style, to get into my ceiling when something died in it.
Since I bought a new bed frame, we've had a bit of an excess (somewhere around twenty-five) and they've started to infiltrate everyday life. The entire House that Gay Built has adopted the humble milk crate as their washing basket system. Until the weekend just gone, I had a funky multicolour milk crate shelving unit in my studio. Cruisey had one as a bedside table. Our entertainment unit was a pallet on a pair of milk crates. A cheap furniture shopping binge cured us of these ailments and we are overloaded once again.
So what happens when too many people joke about Vic needing a milk crate to reach something?

That's my loungeroom. And me. Up against the fucking ceiling.
Hee hee, Vic.
I've got a bunch of 'em in the back of my garage. They are a truly indispensable item of stage equipment; no roadie should ever be without a stash of them.
Hey, Vic.
Robyn's taken your lyrics melee to an extreme by doing the whole thing based on one musical! How cool is that?
Go check her out.
Hope you dusted the light fixture while you were up there!
When my brother in law was at uni, his whole apartment (that he shared with 5 other guys) was completely outfitted with milk crates and 2x4s.
Of course as engineers, would they really have needed anything else.
Simple folk, them engineers.
come on fess up and show us the photo of you standning on a milk crate to hang the washing out. Now that would be priceless.
Short people - the last acceptable victims =(.
It's good to see a fellow short-arse getting picked on for a change =p.
Ah, the old milk crate. I used to have a ton of them to hold all the toys my kids collected. I have no idea where they are now--I'm ashamed to say they may have gone to the town dump. Yikes, all that plastic.
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