Ahhh a shopping trolley incident! I have been so close so many times but never come a cropper! All in the name of drunken fun mate! It will heal and hell it will make a great story!
I'm an All-Purpose Groover. A laid-back guitarist, bassist and teacher. A percussionist. I'm an ecletic mix of interests that occasionally combine into a coherent thought process. Unless I have a hangover.
must say it sounds fun though :)
I told you that shopping is dangerous!!!
Get well soon cruisy xoxox
Poor Cruisy!
Ahhh a shopping trolley incident! I have been so close so many times but never come a cropper! All in the name of drunken fun mate!
It will heal and hell it will make a great story!
It was drunken fun, everyone. But dangerous. I flipped out that she was hurt badly, but she's just really bruised. I'll post pictures soon.
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