Lull them into a false sense of security, providing them with all the mod cons.
Give them a government benefit and free health care so that they feel no desire to work or integrate themselves into society.
Allow them to become more fat and more lazy and dependant upon a diet of junk food, beer and cask wine.
Return them to the wild.
Hee hee. You are going to give him the hives.
Like the new look.
I'm going to have to google lemurs aren't i.
hi, just wanted to say i dig your site and i put a link to it on my site. youcan check my site out.
Thanks, Sassy. It's pretty obvious I'm still mucking around with it.
What? No Playstation? Poor little thing.
It's a Knudsen thing, Kate.
Dive, he probably threw it at the wall because it wasn't letting him win...
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