Thursday, January 10, 2008

In the blood

I left my town to get away from the stuff that I felt was bogging me down. People, bad decisions, work, everything. It was a culling of sorts. An effort to evict some of the crap from my life.

Are you still going to teach? was one of the most frequent questions I heard before leaving.

It’s funny that when I think about it I have been teaching since I left high school. I actually started teaching my friends while I was still at high school. But when I get asked where I work, for some reason I always default to saying Oh, I work in a veggie shop. Come to think of it, I’d even split it when telling the flatmates where I was off to. It was always I have to go to work for the veggie shop and I have to go teach when I was off to one of the schools. I never called that work, even though it was my main source of income.

Am I still going to teach? I’m mad not to, financially. It’s good money for doing something I love, and do well. Seeing my students achieve leaves me proud and happy. But I left my town to get away. To start off by having a holiday from all the things that defined my life previously.

Interestingly, the first place I stopped and spent a length of time after the whole Christmas crap contained a boy who got a guitar for a present. Yeah, I’ll show you some things says Vic. Next thing he’s introducing me to his friends as his guitar teacher and I’m working with him almost daily. It seems that to teach is a part of me that I cannot ignore.


Stealth said...

Teaching is where you really learn, anyway.

dive said...

Vic, the reason I like Mondays is because I get paid for doing something I love.
If you don't teach, you'll spend the rest of your life going "Oh, fuck, no!" every weekday morning.
I know how lucky I am.
Go for it.

Anonymous said...

I was pissing myself thinking about you driving with no contacts or glasses.Ha Ha Ha, thank god I wasn't driving anywhere near you but I am glad you made it home safely anyway. When are you due back up north?

Terroni said...

When I meet people who hate their jobs and have no idea what else they might want to do with their lives, I realize how lucky I am to have something in my blood.

Vic said...

Stealth - That is so true.

Dive - I'm still aiming to take a break from it for a while, but yes - I'll go for it.

TrumpetChick - Australia Day will see me back in the 'dale for a visit so I can do the march (probably after spending a few days running amok in Tamworth)

Terroni - I always feel like I want to experience other things, but I have no idea what else to do. I just don't have the concentration to stick to one thing all my life. Hence I'm off picking fruit just to get a chance to travel and see the country.