It's 5.82 metres long (no, you can't have that in feet, yanks, you've already beaten it anyway), 2.019 metres wide and the length of the strings to the bridge is 3.98 metres. I think the people of Nerrandera, where it is kept, are a little embarrassed by it now, because they don't seem to care for it very well. The neck is propped up on a filing cabinet and it's chocked up by a couple of bricks at the back end. The poor thing is in dire need of tuning.
I had a go anyway.

Hokay … No size-ist jokes here, Vic.
I'll bet that was a bastard to get a decent finger vibrato on.
*That's one lucky guitar*
fucking american
Yes, well, we American must have the biggest of everything. Is our giant guitar in Nashville, by any chance?
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