I've left so much behind. This photo was taken the morning after I hit the road for destination uncertain, armed with a tent and a swag and a few other bits. I hit the surf at dawn and it was a rough, cold awakening into my new world. I left me utterly shocked but eventually refreshed. Bring it on, I say.
oh vic, i'm so very fond of you.
Lovely Picture. Hope you find what you are seeking. Happy HNT and Happy New Year.
That's a lovely photo - the sun off your shoulder and the surf in the distance feels like home to me. HHNT.
xx Dee
I am glad to see no bruises from the brutal surf. Lets see if it so kind to me tomorrow when I venture north to the beaches of the bay. Keep smiling and I niss you always.
Wow, girl, big stuff going on!
Best of luck and i must admit i'm envious!
Beautiful calming shot, Happy New Year, Happy HNT!
Beautiful pic. I'm envious of your scenery.
Sometimes that first shock is the best thing for us! Welcome to 2008!
Yes, bring it on. You have such beautiful and awesome photography....LOVE the photo
Bring it on, indeed! Beautiful picture!
really? hhnt
Cold, Vic?
You should try the North Sea at the moment. Ice and snow and darkness. Brr …
Cool pic Vic.
Good luck with the tent thing and I hope you find your "private Dyke".
If not, pop over here, there's lots of them on our river.
Ms. Avarice - Thankyou, and likewise.
Lapis Ruber - Currently I am seeking work and adventure! A Happy New Year to you also!
Curvaceous Dee - Thankyou! The water feels like home to me also, though when it's rough I think I'd prefer a river.
CJ/TrumpetChick - Enjoy your time away - don't get too bashed about in it!
Zoely - Don't be envious, mate. It's exciting but scary as all hell!
tkkerouac - Cheers, TK - though it wasn't calming being in the rough surf!
Blissfully Wed - Thanks, it's a beautiful country to be in.
Osbasso - I think you're right. I hope to be refreshed for the rest of the year now!
Vixen and Bunny - Thankyou so much for your positive comments! It's always a challenge to get a good shot!
Jason - HHNT mate. What do you mean by "really?"
Dive - That sounds horrible but if somebody dared me to I probably would - just to say I'd done it once!
Full - Thanks mate, I'll find something close enough! You seem to have signs pointing to them but I can't see them! (Maybe that's where I'm going wrong... dunno)
Beautiful skin!!
Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!
Very talking pic!
I need something like that...need that shock into normality for 08.
Jen, Signgurl and Searabbit - Cheers muchly!
Moosekahl - Define normality... But a good wake-up is always worthwhile.
Beautiful and wish I was where it was warm and sunny! Happy HNT!
damn! I have missed a lot the last while...
erm, that shoulder... would go great with my breasts...
That looks early...
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