Monday, December 3, 2007


I often write here about wanting a penis. Well it appears that I don't need one at all, because apparently I am one!!! It said so in the dew on my car windscreen. Aren't I lucky?

Fuck, I don't even feel any different.

The person who decided to write this with their finger on my vehicle's windscreen was told to get off the property a month ago, otherwise I would get the Police involved. Zedmeister, I recognise your writing, and I find it particularly hilarious that you had to wait until I was away for the weekend to have the guts to trespass and essentially commit an act of vandalism.

And let's get to the other part, the bit that has had me laughing all day:

your a dick

Get back in the classroom, bitch.

Your is the possessive pronoun form. This form is used to express that something belongs to "you". For example, Your graffiti is shithouse.
You're is used as the contraction for you are. For example, You're going to be removed from the property if you ever set foot on it again.

Next time that you want to leave a message for me on my car, Zedmeister, I would advise that you use the correct form you are (or the contraction you're) if you want me to pay attention to your message. I've been a little distracted by the idiocy of it all to take it seriously.

Better luck next time.


nina michelle said...

Where the hell is this person? I want to beat the crap out of them! Not something a Femme does everyday ya know?

Anonymous said...

I'd have written thank you on her windscreen in retaliation. I retaliate, i understand that you do the passive thing.
Smile and cheer up, you'll be out of there soon enough.

Vic said...

Nina - seriously, she's not worth the effort.

Kate - I'm not down about it, in fact I find it quite amusing. I think retaliation in this circumstance is detrimental to the argument - she doesn't like me because I have the hide to think I'm better than her. I am. I think what she did was stupid, low and gutless. What does it say about me if I act in the manner?

dive said...

I wish I had a dick like you, Vic.

Vic said...

Take the chance now, Dive. If you get me after Christmas you'll be shaking hands with the unemployed.

dive said...

Hee hee

Iota said...

The irony. Said person, Z, is indeed a coward. I hate this bullshit.

Katherine Buckley said...

I love it! What a stupid bitch!