Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Project Black #3

i = dx

where d is the distance removed from home,
x is the age of the relevant monument
and i is the resulting factor of interest.

It’s funny how travelling changes our perspectives and our willingness or desire to see certain things. Around home, wherever that may be, I have absolutely no desire to spend time wandering around churches. I have no sneaking religious tendencies and therefore no business being in these places. But… take me away on a road trip and suddenly they are architectural wonders that captivate me and draw me in.


dive said...

i=dx is certainly true, Vic.
That door almost looks like a negative. Spooky and sexy in a Goth kinda way.

EspressoHead said...

Did you know my friend, that i is used in mathematics to represent a 'non-Real' number. Therefore, your equation; i = dx intrigues me, and makes me think that d and x are quite redundant. Hehe, I know this is not the case though =)

Right, shut up Doris.

Speaking of redundancy, the trip was quite the opposite! Yay for random churches, and the pure bliss of captivation caught on its whim, by you!

Vic said...

You're right Dive - sexy in a goth kind of way. Do you know any girls like that you could pass on (minus the spooky bit)?

Vic said...

Good point, Doris. Ask yourself this - is interest actually real? Or is it an expression of desire to fulfill a deeper need? Could you represent interest with a rational number, or is it irrational by nature?

EspressoHead said...

I believe 'interest' is purely a concept of which humankind likes to explain the theory of desire with.

Neither interest, nor desire are actual physical things, and therfore cannot be represented by a rational number (In Doris' head).

However, products of this 'emotion' can be explained by the action we take, in relation to the particular interest in question. For example, this awesome pic.

So, we have three things happening here. Which is good, because now was can make yummy equations.

1. The situation of which Vic finds herself in (Proof: This photo would not exist if you were not there to take it). Lets call this 'S'

2. Vic's human ability to posess desire (Proof: The fact that Vic is human).- 'H'

3. The Product of this outcome (Proof: The Photo above).- 'P'

So we get;

S + H = P

However, (ill shut up soon). The validity of the equation is questionable. Both S and H are vairiable. But can they be applied to any situation. My answer is no. And Im going to stop typing now because Im probobly boring people to death...


dive said...

If I knew any girl like that I'd keep 'em to myself, Vic.

Vic said...

Doris - does S + H = P only apply to Vic or is the equation general? We have some problems with the factors if it is!

And Dive... if you get two will you share?

EspressoHead said...

Victoria (if you're going to call me Doris...),

"But can they be applied to any situation. My answer is no."

This equation only applies to the situation, which finds you, 'Vic' in it.

Without 'Vic', the product of the equation would not exist (ie, the picture). Therefore, the equation can ONLY contain Vic. No one else.

No me.
Not Paris Hilton (thank christ.
Not Santa Claus.

ONLY vic...
ONLY you...

So, the variable (not factor) we called 'H' is restricted to the 'concept' that is you. =p