Two hundred and thirty million years ago trees were dying in swamps. Enormous forests sank bleow the water, and after the debris collected in the basins of water that had drowned them they were eventually covered by large quantities of mud and sand. This process happened over and over again, with layer upon layer compacting onto the last. Somewhere down the line heat and pressure come into play. Layered in between sandstone and other sedimentary rock, like a club sandwich, we have the final product: Coal. Disaster, dead trees, and time.
I'm supposed to be looking at the coal, but I'm distracted by your lovely nails.
Shhh, I'm not meant to have those...
You're allowed good nails on your right hand, Vic. Use "fingerpicking" as your excuse; I always do.
No nails on the left, though.
Of course, Dive. Left is for chewing, right is for plucking. However they're far to long to be controllable for me as a classical player...
plus, long nails have no place on a lesbian.
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