Thursday, April 2, 2009

Project: Pair

In continuation of the pairs theme:

Project: Pair

Safety glasses.


Yes, they have a point. I found that out the hard way one night when I was pressure blasting. Typically the water is heated and your entire body will cop a certain amount of splashback of heated, dirty water. Your plastic crappy safety glasses will fog up and be covered in beaded drops of mud, grease and whatever crap you happen to trying to remove from a surface. No windscreen wipers, so I tend to take the things off and squint instead. Well... used to. Until I copped a rather unfortunate splashback straight into my eyes of degreaser that I had sprayed onto the surface in question. I had vision problems - stinging sensation, loss of peripheral vision and light sensitivity - for days and it was all my own fault for not wearing safety glasses.

They're still yuck.

But important.