Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Postcards from Wallsend II

As promised earlier here are a few more shots of graffiti goodness found in Wallsend, Newcastle.

Take a walk along Ironbark Creek, which really turns out to be a storm drain, and you'll come across a few of these beauties:

A whole-wall collaboration:

[sabotaz] 80

The best portion of a wall that stretched forever (and also more of the face theme):

Facing Up

More of the face theme again, this time under a roadway.

Shout Out


Katherine Buckley said...

These are amazing. Such great work in many respects.

Skebba said...

This is great artwork.

Vic said...

Cheers Kat! It's been cool nosing around the back blocks a bit. Even though I'm being a bit of a tourist doing it, it makes me feel a bit more as if I know how this place works, you know? As in what's behind it, not just having a knowledge of how to get from A to B.

Vic said...

Kelly, I agree. Some of the graffiti I see around the place - more especially since I started having to travel on trains - is really brilliant modern art.