Gayman and I are moving today. We gather with us on the way our new household member, Cruiseydyke.
Prayers to the Gods of patience that I last the day without yelling at someone because they can't pack a car efficiently.
Why are some people born without any concept of how to stack boxes? Even how to pack them so that they'll stack in the first place? Instead they take three hundred trips over to the new place in the car with bugger all each time and wonder why they're stuffed at the end of the day. You people - and I know you're out there, I'm living with one now and I wanted to marry one (thank christ she left, I couldn't cope) - you people need to go to a place where you have to fit an entire set-up for a concert band into a bus trailer on your own. You need to get that entire fucking thing packed up and on the trailer within an hour - and that's being generous. You need to store your entire house in a 2m x 1m storage shed and understand the concept of up and realise that every gap represents an opportunity. You need to learn and value the concept of the masterpack.
Haha, the masterpack, that's brilliant.
Moving is a pain in the ass; good luck not inflicting bodily harm on anyone.
Good luck with the move. I'm too cared to move, packing would take an eternity and a semi trailer as a moving van is just so damn impractical. The lesson to be learnt is never own your own house, its like a middle aged spread, stuff just accumulates.
My solution to moving? Matches and a 5 litre drum of petrol.
I plan to never move again as I am terrible at it. It's not that I can't pack boxes into a small space, but more that I don't want to. The unpacking and deciding on new places for everything doesn't appeal to me either.
Good luck and don't hurt yourself.
I inherited the ability to pack from my father, who was THE master packer. He used his talents for evil however, by smuggling large amounts of cocaine over vast oceans. He did get away with it for many years, though, so y'know, he was pretty good.
I have one word for you: Tetris. Or Tetrizz, if you're an Eddie Izzard fan...
Good luck, Groover. Try not to kill anyone.
Good luck, Vic. Moving sucks.
Hey mate! Hope the move went well! Blog some new pictures of the house when you get a mo! Would love to see where you are now. I am sure you had the move all under control if I know you! K x
By the way I love the picture!!
Are you in yet?
Welcome vanessa and Sharon!
GG: Got through okay mate but it was close...
Kate: Hey mate good to see you. Next time I'll need a semi-trailer too. You just accumulate stuff the longer you stay put.
Dive and Sassy: Thanks for the wishes, I'm in and no-one was harmed - except for some minor bruising, not caused by me.
Mike and Kat: Will do. We're closer to town now (I'm talking two blocks walk to the music shop here) and it's a hell of a lot warmer now so it's good.
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