Some highlights include:
Being told by my doctor that no, I couldn't work. "Unless you want to leave a trail of shit after you." Priceless.
Having to play the last ever gig with the disco band drummer who sucks - meant to be a positive farewell experience. But there I am sitting crumpled on a milk crate just trying to get the notes out.
Doing a street march with the City Band for Autumn festival. It should have been a rush - block after block lined with people and me drumming all the way. But I was doped up on painkillers to get through and all I took in was a little shiver of pride when the announcer went nuts at "Our very own City Band marching past".
Not even being able to stomach a whole light beer after the march. Life sucks.
On a better note... Today started with me feeling a little more rested and a bit better so Gayman and I kidnapped the girl and went for a picnic and a bushwalk.

Kat (click the link, there's some awesome photos there) will remember this spot because we went swimming above the falls there before I graduated from highschool. It's part of one of the gorges in the area. It's great here for that - you can go through miles of sheep territory, rolling hills and scrubbiness and then there's just this big gash in the earth. It's just so rugged.
So we walked for far too long. I get all excited about seeing new things and just want to keep going. After the whole sickness thing that wasn't the best idea. We had a huge rest and photo taking session at a place called McDirty's lookout, which was right out on a spur. Awesome. But then we had to get back. It was a slow old journey for me, holding my cramping stomach and trying to do a reverse moonwalk in order to avoid the pains that the shocks from walking were causing in my abdominal area. Yay.
But I sound like a whinger. Sorry. I'll be nice tomorrow.

That's a beautiful waterfall!
Glad you're over the arse gravy episode. I can't imagine how bad marching must have felt …
Arse gravy!!!
That is such an appropriate term! I love it.
Loved this place! Your part of the world really is beautiful and I am so glad you get out and explore it! Even when you are sick as a dog!
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