Yesterday, after starting the day of almost certainly still drunk, we piled into the trusty Vic wagon and off to a National Park for a hike.
Cathedral Rocks has a three hour return walk with 'a 400m scramble track to the summit'. What a crock. If that track was only four hundred metres I'll give up sex forever.

We started out walking through scrub with lots of Banksia. They were in bloom, which was pretty cool - these yellow comb-like thiongs everywhere. There'd been a fire through some time ago and it was interesting to see the way the dead banksias were falling apart. The trunks were still there, but there was a litter all around them as the pieces were slowly falling off.
I like approach these hikes as a fitness thing, but not take it to any extremes. Primarily the walks are there to see and experience, so I don't want to miss anything important by going too fast. But it isn't just an opportunity for a slow stroll. Until you factor in your walking buddies for the day: an asthmatic who has a fear of heights and an overweight Gayman. On the ascent we were stopping every five minutes for a ten minute rest. But they both got there and loved it when they did - so that's something.

At the very top there is a natural seat, like a throne in the rock. You can perch yourself in it and contemplate the amazing full circle veiw that nature has laid out for you, and appreciate the effort and achievement of getting there.

Did we go here too? The first time Mike came to Oz? Maybe not...
Glad to hear you are feeling better my mate.
Woah, Groover! That is absolutely awesome!
And you look great! Nice to see a smile …
I couldn't agree more with the 'see and experience' point. it's easy to get carried away sometimes with seeing how far you can go or how quickly, but walking is one of the few things that I really find uplifting and I sometime have to remind myself to just hang back and enjoy. You look suitably proud seated in that throne! x
Those are some amazing pictures!
Looks like a grand time.
Hey, Groover!
Where you at?
dear sweet baby jesus! I looked at the first picture and new that I would have sat at the bottom and waved happily even if a bit charined.
Here is the "k" in new and the "g" in chagrined which I seemed to have omitted before...
Now this is called Blog Neglect!! Now I know as someone who only blogs once a month this is rich coming from me. But, and I am sure I speak for others, we miss you when you don't blog Miss Vic's!!! Hope you have had a Happy Blogging Holiday. K x
Gayman! Can you hear me?
Go shake the Groover out of bed and kick her butt over here.
I'm going through withdrawal here.
Hey gorgeous people,
Apologies for being away so long - I've mostly been away from internet access so it's a legit excuse!
Welcome to peahen!
Kat, the National Park we went to is nearby to this one, so it's really similar country.
Dive, Gayman is too busy bitching about how he lost the tenancy forms for our new place to bring me back to blogging. I miss you guys heaps and I'll avoid as much further neglect as possible.
Great to hear you're still with us, Groover.
Hope to hear from you again soon.
But Ahhhh still no entry and I know you have been so many places!!! Come back to us please!
Can relate to the not online dilemma, hurry back we miss you xoxox
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