Here's some of my favourites from "The Arena" in local Cardiff - a section of storm drain totally covered in graffiti.

Asyou can seee by the paintovers, there's generations of artists who have painted here.

There's places for the grass to grow.

And after you finish your stroll through this burst of colour, climb on out.

Great Graf, Vic.
Er … since when have Cardiff and Newcastle been local? They're in different countries, hundreds of miles away from one another.
Navigating in Oz must be real trippy for the English.
I know, right? We just can't be original. Barnsley is another local steal, along with Dudley and Wakefield. There's a suburb on the Gold Coast named Miami, just to make sure we're confusing larger numbers.
Barnsley? Hahahahaa!
And Dudley AND Wakefield! Sheeit. No wonder you antipodeans can play such decent rugby; most of you came from the great rugby towns of Northern England.
Bugger Miami.
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