Luckily, Google and Wikipedia are my friends. I can cheat a little. I don't have to pretend that I know any more because I've read the articles and I've clicked the links.
What am I on about? Planking.

It now has it's own Wikipedia definition. Basically we have something that started off small, with the Planking Australia facebook page, but went worldwide extremely quickly because of the whole nature of Facebook (ugh). The Planking Australia page currently has 140,000 followers.
A guy in Brisbane has died after trying to plank on a seventh floor balcony and, surprisingly enough, falling to the ground. Another guy is in a coma after trying to plank on a moving car. Eight people from across three states have been sacked by one retail chain alone for planking at work. Schoolkids have been suspended over it. There are police warnings, statements from the PM, workplace warnings. Though I detest the "fun police" idea and firmly believe it's the stupidity of some individuals that bring things out of control this way.

Really, this one does belong in every workplace safety bulletin. With the plain heading of "Dickhead".
But, I have to admit I'm tempted.
Planking? We used to call it natural selection.
I confess I had to look that one up, too, Vic.
Like most things, I suppose it's okay as long as you don't try it when you're drunk. I think some photos of you planking on your heavy machinery would make an interesting if somewhat niche market calendar. I'd certainly have it up on my kitchen wall, but then I'm a pervert for big machinery.
I believe I'm older than you, so I had to look this one up, too. I heard the news report the other day about the moron who fell off the balcony (sorry he's dead). This I does not tempt me, but if you go through with it, post a picture.
Good one Lyon, you are so right!
Dive, I've given up the heavy machinery for the moment but I'm missing it like hell. I'll have to find some interesting survey spots to plank on instead. I agree though, someone planking on the boom of a dragline would be pretty special.
Scout: I'll plank if you plank!
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