Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mornings Vic-Style Part I

The alarm starts going off for the morning. The sound begins as a totally foreign one that you can't identify. Actually, you have so much trouble identifying it that you have to lift your head from the pillow, squint your eyes at it and pull your lips back into a peculiar half-mouth grimace. You continue to stare at it until the light materialises from a bleary smudge into almost-focus.

Then, you feel compelled to utter in that high-pitched mostly-asleep voice whatthefuckitstooearly and Idontwannagetup. The alarm is on the other side of the bed, is actually your phone as well, and is actually attatched to the wall via power cable so the thing can charge. In between you and the noisy target is your partner.

You really didn't want to wake her up. It just took you a while to comprehend what was going on. As you gingerly raise yourself up on an elbow to reach (lunge, really, but it doesn't sound so delicate) over her and retrieve it she reaches out, swiftly unplugs it and flips it over her shoulder in your direction. It's still ot over, though. That sound will continue until you can figure out how to hit Dismiss on a touch screen that changes orientation every time you wobble your sleepy hand and is so bright you have to squint at it even more than you did when you first tried to wake up to it.

Next up: Raising your sorry self from under the covers.


dive said...

Ah, youth …
I remember feeling like that many decades ago, Vic. These days if I lie in past six in the morning I get a headache. Enjoy your ability to sleep while you still have it.

Vic said...

I'm beginning to get that way. Weekends are becoming a process of me getting up and waiting around for another three hours before anybody rises to join me.

Robyn Martins said...

This is so descriptive! I used to wake up like this, too, but I think I might be reaching some kind of middle-age sleep cycle, and I'm happy to hop up at 7:00 with no alarm whatsoever.