That's where I met this guy.
Let's call him Big Daddy, though for all I know currently, he could be female.

In the tank with [him] were two others, Medium Size and Little Dude. They were swimming around, active as all hell and very uncooperative. They resisted my attempts to lure them over to the other side of the tank into more favourable light. They would not show me their cool little stripey undersides for long enough to focus on them.
I will return for them later, on another lobby adventure.
So I concentrated on Big Daddy, who was content to be motionless and high and dry. [He] blinked once, but that was about the extent of it. An ideal subject. Stationery, and no complaints. Beautiful.
What an awesome shot! He is beautiful... if yo can say that about a tortoise?! Or is it a turtle?
Good eating, too!
I've heard about how they look when you prepare them to eat, Dive.
You are one sick puppy.
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