If you manage to make it past the tempting wafts of the pub, move on to the little tunnel under the road. After a few dodgey murals, some bad attempts at stencilling - and not to mention the odd suspicious smell - you will pop your head out at the ocean.
Being winter, it's been spectacularly huge the last few days.

As well as the two brave buggers that took it on, you can see one of the ever present line-up of ships waiting to get into the harbour to grab our wares on the cheap and piss off with them. Oh, except when a storm blows up and they miss the entrance and hit the main beach instead.
Fantastic shot, Vic. What a roller! We have a permanent colony of Aussies here in Norfolk who live on the beach near an artificial reef and surf all the time, but I've never seen a wave here as good as that one.
Our local Aussies are insane as the water here is mostly ice. They also run without a doubt the most unsanitary café I have seen in 52 years.
A permanent colony? Perhaps there needs to be a wildlife show to study their breeding habits?
Heehee, speaking of surfies, my word verification is lummoths.
Vic, I REALLY don't want to know their breeding habits. They're a jolly bunch but white people should NEVER wear dreadlocks and these guys might try surfing in their clothes every now and then because that's the only way they'd ever wash them.
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