Dive posted recently about sighting a rogue fake cow dressed in the robes of a member of the House of Lords, in the middle of London.
I came across a bunch of these escapees a while in Shepparton, VIC, which I'll post later in the week. But even more recently a day trip to the Hunter Valley (home of wine, gorgeous cheese and addictive ice-cream) revealed that the threat of fake cow escapism has been identified as very real, and that measures have been taken to insure against further rogue expeditions.
This fake cow has been punished for the rogue adventures of it's kind and has been condemned to a life of chains and slavery as a doorkeeper at a tacky gift shop.
Get along there with some bolt-cutters and set it free, Vic.
Or sneak in at night, liberate it and chain it up to the shop next door, then sit across the street with a coffee next morning and see what happens.
I'll have to change my profile...
Vic: Musician, traveller, documentor of mailbox creations and liberator of fake cows.
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