This shot mirrors how I feel I have been treating blogging. I look back at what I've written over the past couple of months and it's... nothing. I seem to have lost my words and my ability to spit them out coherently. It's not that there's nothing to say, it's that the ability to flesh it out into a full-blown post from a thought has up and walked away from me. Even the prospect of posting a half-naked picture seems to be uninspiring lately.
Thinking back to where I started blogging it was much the same. I wanted to be part of this community, but really had nothing that I felt was important to say. I started posting daily anyway, and it became such an important part of my life. Fuck, it's through blogging I've met my girlfriend. It's been a fucking HUGE part of my life. So why have I lost the drive?
Possibly I'm wrapped up in my new surrounds. Possibly I'm a little more captivated by the prospect of stealing a kiss from somebody I love. Possibly there's so much going on in my surrounds that is unfamiliar to me that I haven't find a zone to concentrate in yet. But I think the solution is far more simple than these excuses. Life has gotten in the way? No. Pure and simple, I'm out of practise.
So the self-imposed challenge to post daily is back. There might be pictures. There might be blurts and rants. There will be drivel and plenty of it.
Hell, one day I might even be funny.
For now, back on the wagon.
The motivation comes and goes, Vic.
It'll be back.
In the meantime, there's nothing wrong with vegging out on a sofa.
Rock on, Vic. I have felt the same way lately--uninspired. I'd like to blame it on my busy life, but I suspect it's just my boring lameness bubbling to the surface.
whew! for a minute there honey i thought you were going to take a swan dive into the great abyss...
i am glad you plan to do more of it than less of it! it would be a shame to lose touch after all you are my official Australian Crush.
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