Fuck it. That person is no longer me. Smacking me in the head like a gangster with a baseball bat is the realisation that I want to perform as a musician above everything else. I get into a band after working my butt off on the audition material and now I haven't had the time or energy to work on the material for the rehearsal this weekend. Where do my priorities lie? I'm a fucking musician, dammit. A performer who loves to gain energy from the crowd and dance and lock into the band in the way that makes me so energetic and goddamned happy. I'm the fucking Groover. Second to that priority, and a little conflicting (but I'll work it out later) is the desire to travel, to see, to experience the world in a different way. My way.
It seems to be something I do to myself with regularity. This deciding that I need to work to supplement the traditional Musician income of dole payments and the occasional gig, and then realising that whatever shit job I supplement this income with is actually detracting from my goal. Luckily, the period of drudgery before the realisation occurs seems to be getting shorter. Maybe one day I will not go through it at all. In this case the job I have been in is causing so much strain on my wrists that strapping them is only alleviating the pain a little. I've already given myself a repetetive strain injury in a previous crap filler job (defrosting freezers with a rubber mallet and a bucket of water all day - go figure) and I get knocked around every time it flares up.
Then there's the fact that it is fucking boring. There isn't a social life to distract you from that fact at all. It's in your face all day.
Two strikes. Fuck off, work. I'm a musician.
Ye must live th'life ye want t'be livin', Me Darlin' Groover -- all th'rest is mere distraction.
A Groover needs to groove.
And so it goes.
The Groover is back!
You've plastered a big, wide, shit-eating grin across my face that will take some wiping off, Vic.
Go for it!
Cap'n - Exactly right.
Full - I'm a happy Groover again, indeed. So it goes.
Dive - Do you need more liquid in your diet??
Hee hee hee
About fucking time you got out of that fruit salad hell.
I was so excited to read this.
I am excited for you.
Cheers to the Groover!
Yay!!! I'm so glad you're outta there.
And as far as the achy wrists, find yourself a massage therapist and have them work on your forearms, arms and neck. It will relieve the pain.
You know, the crappy thing is you have to live. It's hard not to let survival get in the way of life.
I was really happy to read this post, stick to your goals and you will make it. Remember, life is not a bowl of fruit salad!
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