Sunday, April 27, 2008

On Youth and Enthusiasm

Apparently youth is wasted on the young.
Is this a statement of the self-titled "old" who wish they could be there again?
Is it jealousy toward the innocence and enthusiasm that is apparently a trait of youth?

I'm old is an excuse, a way of hiding from things that may possibly be exciting. It's a division to put up in order to achieve one of two things -
1) to achieve a sense of superiority
2) to hide a lack of enthusiasm for an activity

"Old" is an affectation and it's bullshit.

My father has been toting the I'm old shit for years. It's attention seeking. It demands sympathy that I will not give. It's also downright laziness. I'm old is a poorly executed excuse that translates to I can't be bothered doing what you want to do.

Christmas just gone holds an example. The man sits in his armchair for most of the day, refusing repeated requests to do anything that may involve him being away from his armchair reading a book or watching television. If a person joins him in the television watching phase of this fat lazy lifestyle in an attempt to spend some time, to have a conversation in the ad breaks, they are either told to shut up or have to put up with the conversation being completely ignored every time the show returns. Then the man has the hide to whinge that nobody spends time with him.

He's old.
He's set in his ways.
His body cannot cope with the activities you young people want to do.

Fuck off.
He's tired, lazy and couldn't hive a shit about anybody but himself. He's scared to get outside of box of slowly decreasing dimensions because he cannot do the things he used to. Who really gives a shit? He's one of the smartest thinkers I have come across, yet he refuses to see that instead of doing things the way he used to, he could find an alternative. But... he would have to be interested in the person enough to want to find that alternative.

Old is selfish.


dive said...

Youth is indeed wasted on the young, Vic.
I think it comes from that other phrase: "Shit! If I knew back then what I know now I'd have had a fucking BALL!"

Life sucks that way; when you're young you think you know everything but in fact you know jack shit; when you're old, you have a lifetime of knowledge and experience but you can't go back in time and act on it.

Major bummer.

nina michelle said...

very insightful vic!

Ms. Avarice said...

in the last little bit of my politics and issues in women's health class, we discussed how "old" is just as much a social construction as gender and race, it was very eye opening for me! I can see how old can be an excuse for bad behavior, but I guess so can "young" too...

Anonymous said...

Can't win one way or the other... guess mid life really is the prime ;-p

I found a mailbox, Vic. Abroad, of course.