The centre of Planet Newy has a bunch of old shops laying around doing nothing except become more derelict. Our council is going with the easy option of waiting foir a massive property developer to snavel it all up and fix it in one big sterile and uniform go, than actually maintaining a city that has a sense of heritage.
What do empty shops cry out for?

I normally look upon tags with distate. They have no sense of artistic placement, no splash of impact. They're just there as a personal brand stamp on easy target. This one caught my eye, however. I like the associated shadow that it casts.
Me too. Me too.
My word verification is "doosies." I want to try one.
Ah, one of my favourite descriptive words. That last punch was a doosie!
Cool, Vic. You could have tapped in to a new art form there. Tag-shadows.
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