Well, guys. You do need girls.
A girl.
With a bass.
Now I haven't picked up my bass in a while. Not working with a band made it seem pretty pointless bringing the old beauty out. But oh how do I miss it! I only truly realised when I cranked it up, pumped out a few favourite riffs and started moving around the room like the old funky idiot I used to be.
Living in the vicinity of a brilliant photographer helps for getting some truly gorgeous shots of what it looks like when you thunk out an open E. Many thanks go to Kate for the use of the pictures she took today.
Meanwhile I was more occupied with grooving away, getting reacquainted with Big Daddy, my long lost ballsy friend who only really gets cranked up beyond a quarter when I have a gig. Shame.
No, I wasn't going to let it go to have a smoke. I can do two things at once, thankyou. Actually, I worked pretty hard on drinking beer and playing also while I was gigging pretty regularly.
Kate's suggestion was to send me over to Dive and Full via the post, in a cardboard box.
So what's the verdict, guys?
Would you adopt the female bass player if the mailman brought you one?
Get your cute fucking ass up here NOW!
And don't forget to bring the bass.
You'd have loved our little session. Imagine "A Go Go" only FUCKING LOUD with lots of widdly bits and you'll get the idea.
A GoGo? Yum. Damn straight I would have loved your session.
I was playing along to Scofield's Over Big Top for a while. It's got an infectious groove that rarely changes - you can have a hell of a lot of fun with it, and also, I found, down a cup of coffee during the guitar solo and still have time to spare.
So that's it. Strap me to a surfboard and hope the wind's blowing in the right direction, huh? Maybe I'll get there!
I don't know about 'the guys', but I would!
A tenor guitarist perhaps. But not a bass player... ^_^
Grrr, Dot.
Get thy arse out of violin-land and learn about the lower registers.
Thats one bad bass.....let Kate know she did a great job with the pics....the first and last one rocks!
Nice ...
Vic: Im trying! P.s. My arse aint that highly strung.
squee! I would so dearly love to hear you play!
P.P.S ANY chick with an instument is hot. If they can play it, its even hotter.
great lol
I'm doing a presentation in my Ethics class on porn and we have to use video and music so I need some help with the music.
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