There were a few answers. All are worthy of mention, so here goes...
Ms. Avarice thought it was a giant dump truck. This thing loads into the rear dump trucks, and is pretty stationary comparatively. A rear dumper will drive off with a load somewhere, back up and dump it off an edge before driving away for the next load. This machine is the step before that happens. Nice try, though.
Jude says It must be called "the big fuckin dipper" or maybe "the big fuckin bucket" or how about just "the big fucker". The dipper is the reference more for the bucket pictured above, and the two "sticks" that it operates upon. It is an immense machine for the type it is - I've been told it's the largest in the world that does what it does. There are, however, plenty bigger different machines out there.
missjoestar deserves a highly commended for calling it a digger. Some do, so you're right in a way. But digger refers to excavators, loaders and other similar machines, too.
Now onto the prize-winners.
The person(s) masquerading as alannah actually incorporates two winning answers from two people who've featured long term on this blog.
kelsuperstarsinger with Im the big fuck-off truck... Honey, you're miles off by calling it a truck but since you've given it it's own theme song and matching dance I can't resist. For you I'll bring a guitar along when we meet up for Ani Difranco and I'll play whatever you want me to.
Zac, better known to long-term readers here as IcePick answered the question with Zac's DICK. Impressive, honey. Still doesn't do anything for me except inspire a little jealousy, though. For your impressive... answer I will honour you with a prize of Jaegermeister and Red Bull, because obviously you need to keep your circulation rate pretty high.
And finally, the answer that had me laughing for days.
Dive says That's gotta be called Miffy.
What do you want, Dive? Let me know.
As for what this thing is really called: It's an electric face shovel but most commonly referred to as just a shovel. Shovels work with a completely different action to excavators, and take a lot more in the bucket - meaning far less time to load a dump truck, but far more stresses on the machine. The one I posted pictures of, I've been told, is the largest electric face shovel in the world. The thing is about twenty years old and nearing the end of it's life. It's machine number at that particular mine is 331. No longer. Thanks to Dive, it will always be known to me as Miffy.
Oh, wow, Vic! An electric face shovel? really? I've gotta get one of those to improve my looks. I might need a bigger bathroom though.
As for my prize: I want you and your bass. Here in the studio. Now.
Sorry Dive, you can't have Miffy for your bathroom until Barbara Walters is done with it.
I can't do the Now part of your request, but the rest? Done.
i won a prize..yay.....
i will need to fix my email though...i think i'm going to be Raquel Cram-Dunshea..it looks and sounds better!!!!
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