The main highway in the state snakes along the coast, where most of the population choose to reside. Over the years it's been upgraded in order to bypass every possible place of interest to stop at. Not only that, it's been split apart into two seperate roads for each direction of traffic. That's a brilliant idea for avoiding being ploughed into by the bastard travelling in the other direction who's fallen asleep from the boredom because without landmarks to keep you interested it all looks the same. However, when you have an avid mailbox hunter such as myself hurtling along at possibly more than a touch over the speed limit the dual carriageway is the most impractical invention ever devised.

A few kilometres down the road to an emergency vehicle only turning bay. A few more kilometres back in the opposite direction, beyond my target and to the next illegal turning bay. All for a shot of a surfboard turned mailbox.
Was it worth it? Fuck yeah!
Damned right it was worth it, Groover!
I want one of these!
I'll drag it out of the ground and strap the thing to the roof racks next time I backtrack for it then, hey?
Hee hee. Then you can surf the thing over here to England.
Hell yes! I could convert the mailbox into a cupholder. It's what every vehicle needs for a long trip!
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