Something I've always taken for granted is the random letterbox. Occasionally I'll notice one and think hey cool that one's made of plough discs, but I've never put much more thought into it than that. The mailbox has become a little more symbolic for me lately. It represents home in a way. A fixed address. I have a somewhat lengthy temporary address, rather than none at all, but my mailbox is a fading green velvet pinboard in a dining room that I share with a hundred or so backpackers and travelling workers. If I receive something that cannot be pinned on the board, it is an announcement from the human bullhorn who is our camp caretaker for the entire workforce to know that I need to get my arse to the office before it closes, if I want to collect my parcel. The ritual of checking the mailbox has lost it's personal touch.
So... I've decided to start a Monday thing for mailboxes. The Monday Melee got old and face it, I'm over thinking that much about what I hate first thing on a Monday anyway. Mailbox Monday it is. I even came up with a logo just for shits and giggles. Feel free to join in - just drop me a link so I can go look at your box...
It seems that out in this area (somewhere along the middle of the border of New South Wales and Victoria) most of the mailboxes for properties are welding experiments. Pieces of old stuff from around the yard slapped together and welded solid. Slap some paint on it and it becomes a personal feature that marks the entrance to your property.

Hey Vic,
I like the mailbox idea. It seems the only thing that comes in my mailbox is bills so I would love to be away from that for a while. Enjoy the country drives and I look forward to seeing what ones you come up with each week.
Remember when we drove past my old house outside Walcha?
The new fuckers painted my mailbox red...!!
Dammit, Vic!
I wanna join in the fun but we don't have mailboxes here.
Love the new header, by the way.
I wish we, f'n yankees (yeah... I know that was a term of endearment, lol), had such interesting mail boxes... if that were my mailbox the mailperson would either drive right by or stick the mail in the spokes... even if it was well lettered with a bright, neon, glow-in-the dark six inch sign saying MAIL!
Btw... I like your header, too... but I don't know why I like it...
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