Yesterday's group was an easy one. My Photo Is Crap But I'm A View Whore. It's a great little dig aimed at those people who submit photos to heaps of groups because they get off on the number of times people have viewed their photos.
So I did a shot taking the piss out of these people. In particular one woman out of the local group of photographers who I think is a self-centred egotistical twit. She's the butt of many household jokes about photographic technique and talent or lack thereof. She's also the reason I don't go out to local photography group meetings. I can't stand her in virtual reality so I think I'll be tempted to punch her in real life.
The list I created was with her in mind, and the shot based around those trying to be her, but not quite making it.

Yet... I am a view whore too.
This is my single most viewed photo to date. It pisses all over everything else I've uploaded for the amount of times people have clicked on it. And I'm addicted. I keep checking back to see how many more people have looked at this picture. Even by posting it here I am tricking myself into thinking it's more popular.
Go ahead... Click on it... You know you want to...
Ha ha! so did. Good shot and how many comments!!!
Have you read Dive's blog recently?? Good on him. Good things come to those who wait... he looks good for it too.
Beer, ciggies and sarcasm.
You so rule, Vic.
And thanks, Kat; you're too kind.
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