We call each other scumbags. It's been known to be yelled from truck windows to fellow workers. It's been known to be yelled on the street. It's our form of greeting. A term of endearment. We spend hours rammed into a truck like sardines to get too and from the mine sites. We drag our sorry arses into the yard at 4am to get ready for the day, where the conversation is thin and sleepy. We crawl into spaces that you can't even sit up in and scrape out bag after bag of grease and dirt and dinosaur shit. We share a beer on the way home, rammed into that four-wheel sardine can, sweaty, filthy and giving each other shit all the way.
A scumbag will liberate anything that is apparently "forgotten". I have a toolbag that I've only bought one item for. Everything else in there has been liberated. Relocated. Rehoused. Even the bag itself. That bag is my scumbag pride and joy. You want a tool for the job? I've more than likely got it. And if not? Well... I'll probably have it by the end of the day. Scumbag.
Yay, Scumbags!
Hey, Groover; I could do with a new nut file, though I doubt they've got those hanging around at work, dammit.
Well, we're all nuts in blogville so file as you wish!
Just stopped by via Dive's awesome blog and your comment.
I work from home, so the only scumbags I got were jerks harassing me on my blog. So I shut off the comments. Guess that wouldn't work for you, eh? Hee hee!
Nice blog!
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