Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You're Not So Stupid If You Can Admit It...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sometimes tv is depressing.
I guess it's like when I saw [crap, I can't remember the name of it] that movie with the two boarding school girls in love and then one decides she can't be gay. I cried long and hard just because you instinctively want everything to be okay and it's so difficult see it not being okay. Maybe it's worse in the context of a movie or tv series because I definately have no bearing on the outcome?
Friday, November 24, 2006
Revenge of Online Surveys...
Now I'm hooked! My personality is:
Half-CockedRandom Brutal Sex Dreamer
(RBSDf) Fiery. Hungry. Blatant. Sexual. Christ. You are
Half-Cocked. There's a lot of wild lust inside you, banging
around, that much is obvious. There's also a lot of untamed emotion. When
escapes, look out. One minute you're completely together, the next
you're a
howling gale of hormones and opinions. Outside
relationships, your
intense, mercurial personality makes you a charmer. You
can be fiercely devoted,
and it's likely that many of your friends will be
friends-for-life. Of course,
your enemies are likewise certain and zealous,
especially your exes and their
Your exact opposite:The
Maid of HonorDeliberate Gentle Love Master
will find the right person. In the short term, she's someone virile who
won't sweat your imperfections. In the long term, she will be someone mature
caring who will grow to love them.
CONSIDER: The Playstation, The Nymph
And I've taken a bucketload of other tests already.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
First Words...
Normally I can find something to bitch about.